Public-Private Partnership forms Leiden Institute for FAIR and Equitable Science (LIFES) to address the challenges of global data reuse.

LIFES will facilitate an ecosystem to enable FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data generation, privacy preserving data stewardship, and equitable information reuse.

On Wednesday June 5th, an international public-private partnership of eleven forward-thinking academic and private organisations announces its joint effort to establish the Leiden Institute for FAIR and Equitable Science (LIFES). The founding partners of LIFES are the GO  FAIR Foundation, CCC (Copyright Clearance Center), FAIRscholar, HINQ, Leiden University  Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Naturalis  Biodiversity Center, Roche Nederland B.V., Sage, TNO and the University of Twente (UT). 

LIFES will address the challenges of global data reuse by building a wide and diverse network of  public and private members that want to incorporate the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible,  Interoperable, Reusable) and equitable data reuse. It will coordinate a strong, coherent FAIR compliant application and services offering for training, data stewardship, analytics/machine learning  and infrastructure. LIFES will broker access to these services, stimulate collaborations to fill  technological and methodological gaps, and take the lead in securing public and private funding for  developing strategic capabilities. 

“Currently, data reuse is severely hampered by inadequate discoverability, limited accessibility, and  poor interoperability between data sets. Within LIFES, we are setting a new standard for how data  and information should be formatted, visited, and reused for the greater good.” Says Prof. Barend  Mons, founding director of LIFES, and leading the launch phase. “We will enable a step-change to  advanced analytics through smart, visiting algorithms fostering trusted and machine-augmented  science. In doing so, LIFES not only contributes to the advancement of scientific research and  innovation but also ensures that the benefits of these developments are shared equitably across the  global community”. 

The mission of LIFES is to facilitate an ecosystem where FAIR data generation, privacy preserving  data stewardship, and equitable reuse of information are the norm. A radically distributed approach,  where data is visited and queried at the source, will be an essential characteristic of this ecosystem.  LIFES will serve as a catalyst for removing unnecessary barriers to equitable data visiting for  legitimate research questions that meet legal, ethical, and consent requirements.  

We are motivated to co-develop a federated health data infrastructure based on the learnings of our Trusted World Of Corona (TWOC) private public partnership” says Rianne van Schie, steering committee member LIFES on behalf of Roche Nederland B.V. “We will have both a role as a data owner as well as a data requester in this partnership. We see this as an opportunity to prepare for the European Health Data Space (EHDS) in The Netherlands and enhance implementation of this European legislation in the Dutch healthcare system.” adds Maarten Halma, also steering committee member LIFES on behalf of Roche.

LIFES will encourage and facilitate the creation of independent sibling institutes equally committed to  the core principles of FAIR, privacy preserving, and equitable reuse. By laying the foundations for a  FAIR and equitable data ecosystem that can be replicated throughout the world, LIFES is 

responding to the immediate needs of the global research community and also supporting the scale  up to the future demands of a world increasingly reliant on data-driven decision-making. This  initiative marks a significant step forward in fulfilling the potential of big data to solve complex  problems, drive innovation, and promote a more inclusive and sustainable future. 

About LIFES 

The Leiden Institute for FAIR and Equitable Science (LIFES) is an initiative of an international public private partnership of eleven academic and private founding partners: the GO FAIR Foundation,  CCC (Copyright Clearance Center), FAIRscholar, HINQ, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC),  Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Roche  Nederland B.V., Sage, TNO and the University of Twente (UT). 

LIFES will address the challenges of global data reuse by facilitating an ecosystem where FAIR  (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data generation, privacy preserving data  stewardship, and equitable reuse of information are the norm. It will coordinate a strong, coherent  FAIR-compliant application and services offering for training, data stewardship, analytics/machine  learning and infrastructure. LIFES will broker access to these services, stimulate collaborations to fill  technological and methodological gaps and take the lead in securing public and private funding for  developing strategic capabilities. 

LIFES will encourage and facilitate the creation of independent sibling institutes equally committed to  the core principles of FAIR, privacy preserving, and equitable reuse. In this manner, LIFES is  responding to the immediate needs of the global research community and also supporting the scale  up to the future demands of a world increasingly reliant on data-driven decision-making. 


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