Maturin Tchoumi new Managing Director Roche Netherlands

WOERDEN – Maturin Tchoumi has taken over as Managing Director of Roche Nederland B.V., where he will lead the pharmaceutical division of Roche in the Netherlands. Maturin, whose career in the pharmaceutical industry spans 30 years, has a strong track record in collaborating with stakeholders across Europe, the United States, Asia, and Africa to deliver the outcomes that matter most to patients.

“I am excited about joining such a progressive and forward-looking organisation that shares many of my own personal values. Roche Netherlands is committed to bringing life-changing medicines to patients and has long been a pioneer in developing innovative access initiatives. The team’s collaborative programmes are already adding real value to health care systems. I am very much looking forward to working together with our partners to continue developing the comprehensive solutions people need,” Maturin said.

Maturin, who is succeeding Sheri Morin, is joining Roche in the Netherlands at a time when the organisation is combining its expertise in integrating diagnostics solutions and medicines with new digital healthcare solutions as it seeks to further advance healthcare.

Roche Nederland B.V. is located in Woerden and employs 130 people in pharma; together with the Diagnostics and Diabetes Care divisions in Almere, we contribute to sustainable and accessible healthcare in the Netherlands. For 125 years, Roche has been committed to making breakthroughs for patients. We foster cooperation with our stakeholders and open dialogues with society.

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